Proof Grade | Suitable for humid atmosphere

 Cemic Microcement proof grade


CEMIC grade micro-cement proof

CEMIC grade grid microfiber brings a completely hydrophobic surface. The characteristics of CEMIC micro-cement index include ideal adhesion to all surfaces and applicability on all materials. CEMIC micro-cement with high mechanical strength and easy application has become a unique option for humid environments such as bathrooms, etc.

In addition to the ability to run in different color spectrums and various textures, CEMIC Grade Proof micro-cement creates an ideal and modern atmosphere and is perfectly suitable for running on walls, floors and ceilings in humid environments. Micro-cement can be applied in the bathroom, kitchen, and cabinet, inter-cabinet and can be applied on ceramic tiles.

 Cemic Microcement



Cemi-Fine Grade Proof

Semicolon grade cement is suitable for humid environments. The ingredients of this micro-cement product are such that it can be applied in toilets, bathrooms, kitchens, cabinets, inter-cabinets and other environments exposed to high humidity. It can also be applied on ceramic tiles, which greatly increases the speed of reconstruction, and in fact, there is no need to destroy the substrate.





Toxic Semicolon is a product designed for micro-cement substructure. This micro-cement product brings seamless surface, cracks and cracks. The characteristics of the toxic index of the base include high mechanical strength and lack of dust absorption. Toxic execution of the base by an experienced performer is easy and done quickly. Toxic Base Toxic is easily applicable to all flat and curved surfaces due to its unique adhesion to all surfaces, including tiles, cement and other materials.

 Cemic Microcement

 Cemic Microcement



Acro-cem is a type of resin that provides high mechanical properties for gr-dor micro-cement. This water-based polymer is used as a primer, which helps to better implement the micro-cement coating. Acrosome, by forming a film with high adhesion and surface tension, causes the connection between the existing surface and the semicircular micro-cement that the formed film has a high resistance in alkaline environments.



Fiberglass, CEMIC fiberglass mesh, to increase the strength of micro-cement floor in all CEMIC products, if necessary, is applied before the application of the toxic base layer.

The material is AR, which is resistant to alkaline environments and has a long life. Other features of fiberglass include high flexibility, which can be applied to all materials.




fiberglass mesh microcement

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